Bounce rate is a marketing standard that measures the chance of people who land on a website and do nothing on the page they’ve entered, frequently leaving within seconds. For illustration, if you have an eCommerce point, a caller may come across your website, not click on any other links or respond to any further calls-to-action, and exit within seconds. Simply put Google describes a Bounce as “ a single-page session” on a website. 

Marketers tend to interpret this metric as a suggestion of whether a page provides what implicit guests are looking for and use it to assess the quality of the followership who visits. To Google, high Bounce rates mean low-quality web pages. As marketers, we restate that to signify one of two effects; either the caller didn’t find what they were searching for, or the website was too delicate to navigate, AKA inadequately designed. 

Let’s take a look at why Bounce rates matter, how they’re calculated, and what you can do to ameliorate yours.

How An Ecommerce Business View Their Average Bounce Rate?

To calculate the bounce rate for eCommerce, divide the total number of one- page visits with the total number of entries to a website. For illustration, if you entered 150 clicks and 50 of those bounced, also your Bounce rate would be 30 (it’s always worked out as a chance.) While that’s the proposition, no bone actually works it out manually. 

Most marketers let Google Analytics do the calculation. It’ll give you each page’s Bounce rate, as well as your point-wide Bounce rate and the time callers spend on your eCommerce store. Still, you can’t review Bounce rates in isolation. However, and your Bounce rate is also high, it may indicate your target followership has achieved what they want to without having to explore further. If you notice the average time audeinces spend on your point is high. Only when low caller engagement is coupled with a high Bounce rate should you have cause for concern. 

(Marketing Tip Don’t get confused between Bounce rate and exit rate. Exit rate looks at the number of people who exit your website after landing on a page and compares it to the total number of views the page entered. Pages with the loftiest exit rates need the utmost enhancement)

Average Bounce Rates for an eCommerce Website

According to Content Square, the average Bounce rate across diligence is 47, with B2B diligence passing the loftiest. Mobile bias come in at 49, with tablets and laptops near before at 42 and 45. Below are standard pars according to Google, published by HubSpot. 

  •  Content websites 40%-60% 
  • Lead generation 30%-50% 
  • Blogs 70% — 90%
  • Retail spots 20%-40%
  • Service spots 10%-30% 
  • Landing Pages 70%-90% 

Still, these pars aren’t a makeup-by-number. Ideal Bounce rates vary from assiduity to assiduity. eCommerce Bounce rates will be different from news spots, for the case. Suppose about it Online store callers are important like guests in a store. They’ll browse through particulars. When they find the specific information or product they’re looking for, they’ll leave with or without  a purchase.

On the other hand, a news point might witness a far advanced Bounce rate as callers scroll through a page to get a gist of the captions and may not indeed click on any composition to read. This is because a caller’s intention to a news point or publication is entirely different and generally culminates in a single-page session.

Hard, Medium, and Soft Bounce Rates

Breaking down and understanding different Bounce rates will help you understand your callers’ intent and why your point’s performance didn’t meet their prospects. 

Hard Bounce 

A hard Bounce rate is when callers have no interest in your web page at all. Upon entering a landing page, they will leave incontinently, with no time spent scrolling or clicking on any of your call-to-conduct. When hard Bounce rates do, we assume callers have landed on eCommerce spots accidentally. For a case, they might search “ buy club” on Google and land on a page about flying mammals rather than a baseball club. 

Medium Bounce 

This is when callers show slightly further engagement across a single page and stay many seconds before leaving. They have the eventuality to return and explore further. For illustration, let’s say a stoner is searching for commodity general like “ home scenery,” they may browse your point and also leave if your products aren’t appealing to them. 

Soft Bounce 

Still, scrolling down the page, clicking on links to other pages, If a caller lands on a web page and stays for further than just a many seconds. Spending a decent quantum of time on a web page indicates interest and the eventuality for re-engagement. Frequently, they ’ve stumbled upon the right point but just can’t find what they want. 

Bounce rate tip Unless a website’s Bounce rate is largely problematic, you ’d generally tend to ignore hard bounces as these callers have no intention of browsing through your online store in the first place. 

Why Do Clients Not Stay On Your eCommerce Website?

Still, it may be due to one of these common causes, If your page position Bounce rate is advanced than your assiduity’s. Still, it’s always judicious to estimate Bounce rates in the environment of your eCommerce store

 Attracting the Wrong Business 

Meeting Client prospects is vital. However, callers will leave, If there’s a mismatched anticipation on eCommerce spots. This can be because your paid advertising for a specific offer is linked to a general home page and not the product announced. Occasionally, this isn’t a mistake, and companies mislead druggies with meta titles and descriptions that don’t match with what their pages are actually about. This type of dishonest marketing should be avoided, as it won’t ever yield fruitful results

Poor Website Design 

An eCommerce website must be designed for audiences to find what they’re looking for in as many clicks as possible. However, you’ll likely lose numerous implicit guests, If product pages are challenging to find. Including a hunt bar and a clear nautical structure will ameliorate engagement, especially if your website offers a variety of products or services. eCommerce stores like IKEA and Superbalist are good examples. 

In addition to altering menu structures, you may also need to ameliorate the quality of plates, dupe and modify textbook and fountain size distance. Removing pop-up advertisements and other heavy data can also reduce the Bounce rate. This is particularly material for mobile audiences, where pop-ups can block the entire screen. A/ B testing to correct poor point navigation can help you determine exactly what changes to make to ameliorate your Bounce rate. 

Bad Website Optimization 

There’s too important to mention when it comes to website optimization. However, it’s presumably stylish to familiarise yourself with the basics, If you’re new to eCommerce. It’s common practice for companies to hire digital marketing companies to help optimize their websites and ensure they’re following stylish practises, as the process can be intricate. 

When a website is inadequately optimized, it may have slow lading pages that directly impact Bounce rate. According to Google, two seconds is the “ threshold for eCommerce website adequacy.” As soon as a page’s cargo time surpasses three seconds, the Bounce fleetly increases to 38. Slow point speed also negatively affects a page’s rank on Google search engine results. Thus, addressing this issue can resolve two marketing challenges and produce a positive client experience. 

Unprofitable Call to Conduct 

When new callers arrive at a website, they should be promoted to do commodity, whether it’s to learn further about a company’s immolations or to protect the blinked section. Well- designed CTAs don’t just reduce Bounce rates; they also increase transformations. Once callers have gone through the page they landed on; you should be guiding them to conduct you suppose are optimal to nudge them further down their client trip. 

A good call to action is flawless; it leads a caller towards doing commodity without them having to suppose too important about it. For illustration, if an implicit client stumbles upon your point via a Google search, that’s great because it increases your business. But, it’s indeed better if they make an unplanned purchase. This is the impact of a well-crafted call to action.

How Can Ecommerce Businesses Reduce Their Bounce Rate?

Once you know what the average Bounce rate for your assiduity is, you can use these tactics below to achieve more positive results. 

Configure Analytics Duly 

Before you do anything, you should double- check your analytics tool is rightly configured. However, it’ll not capture a bounced visit on your website, giving you a false read that’s either too high or low, If Google Analytics isn’t set up duly. Always check the shadowing law, pretensions and events, and any draw- sways. With Google Analytics, you can test business and review a real- time report to corroborate everything workshop. 

Easily Display Top Deals 

The stylish way to convert medium bounces rates to soft Bounce rates or indeed paying guests is to hook callers with top deals and abatements. It’s indeed better if there’s a time limit attached. You can do this via pop-ups or announcement banners on your website. This tactic works veritably well to convert implicit guests who do comparison shopping, handed your deal is better than your challengers. 

Optimize Product pages 

First chased in 1970, choice load is a cognitive impairment in which people have a hard time deciding when faced with too numerous options. The same sense applies to product pages and website design. However, the design must be simple with a clear CTA, If you want people to stay on your website and eventually convert. In addition, you should have a clear checkout button and crucial information about product specs and shipping rates. 

Format Content Duly 

The lower work your callers have to do to get what they want, the longer they ’ll stick around. page design in terms of balancing plates, dupe, headlines, and perimeters make pages easy to read. Don’t overwhelm them with weighty paragraphs and too numerous images. Some ways to make content less intimidating may include; meetly using headlines and heads, opting suitable images, and using bulleted lists. 

Use the Right Keywords

 Your website can have the stylish content and stoner experience, but you won’t get the applicable response if you ’re targeting the wrong kind of callers. Understanding your target followership and exercising the keywords they use to search the internet will restate into high business eventuality and quality leads. Remember, the most successful keywords have high deals and stoner intent. Doing keyword exploration will reveal which keywords are stylish for your assiduity and website. 

Limit Distractions 

65% of druggies block websites with too numerous advertisements, autoplay content, and pop-ups. Bus- play videos that start the moment a website opens can be largely annoying to druggies and stop them from farther exploring your product’s services, adding your Bounce rate. This is exactly why announcement blockers live! There’s nothing wrong with advertising, so long as it’s cohesive and fits in with your website’s design. Banner advertisements displayed along the top, sides, or bottom of websites tend to be kindly viewed upon. 


When reviewed in an environment with other marketing KPIs, Bounce rates can illustrate where and how to bring value to your eCommerce website and landing pages. An eCommerce Bounce rate is one of the numerous criteria that can help you determine how well your website is delivering on your marketing and business pretensions. 

Improving v rates takes time and hard work, of which you have to do neither if you hire good professionals to do the job. Kaptus Digital Marketing Agency offers comprehensive digital marketing services from web development to marketing to convert leads into deals. We’re honored as a leading digital marketing agency with a robust track record; we can drop your Bounce rate and much more! Learn further about our expansive marketing services then.